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Thursday 26 March 2020

For what reason is the moon called the moon? Other planets' moons have extraordinary names, our own is exactly what it is. — Verity, 16; Will, 15; Keenan, 13; and Anthea, 11, Halifax, N.S. 

The starting point of the moon's name is an exceptionally intriguing story. People have known about this incredible white circle in the sky since the time they originally wandered the Earth. 

The moon's appearance changes as the months pass. It travels through stages from full moon to new moon, and back once more. 

Where did the word moon originate from? 

The Earth has only one moon. It is most popular as the moon in the English-talking world since individuals in old occasions utilized the moon to gauge the death of the months. 

The word moon can be followed to the word mōna, an Old English word from medieval occasions. Mōna shares its starting points with the Latin words metri, which intends to gauge, and mensis, which implies month. 

Along these lines, we see that the moon is known as the moon since it is utilized to gauge the months. 

Galileo's revelation 

Things being what they are, the reason do the moons around different planets have names, while our own is only the moon? 

At the point when the moon was named, individuals just thought about our moon. That all changed in 1610 when an Italian space expert called Galileo Galilei found what we currently know are the four biggest moons of Jupiter. 

Different space experts across Europe found five moons around Saturn during the 1600s. These articles got known as moons since they were near their planets, similarly as our own moon is near the Earth. 

Most would agree that different moons are named after our own moon. 

The newfound moons were each given wonderful names to distinguish them among the developing number of planets and moons space experts were finding in the nearby planetary group. 

A considerable lot of these names originated from Greek fantasies. The four huge moons Galilei found around Jupiter were named Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. 

Space experts keep on finding new moons circling planets in our nearby planetary group. In October 2019, they declared they had newfound 20 moons around Saturn.

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