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Thursday 26 March 2020

Following an eight-month, 352-million-mile venture, the Curiosity Rover contacted down on Mars at 1:31AM EDT on August 6, 2012.

"Touchdown affirmed," said engineer Allen Chen, the Flight Dynamics and Operations Lead for the Mars Science Laboratory Entry, Descent, and Landing group. "We're sheltered on Mars." Learning from past arrivals, engineers utilized a warmth shield, a parachute, retro-rockets, and a sky crane to bring down the vehicle to the surface. Since it would take 7 minutes for the wanderer to plunge from the highest point of the environment to the surface, however flags from the vehicle take around 14 minutes to arrive at Earth, the arrival was named "7 minutes of dread." See a NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory video about the arrival underneath. 

The $2.5-million wanderer has been depicted as a science set on haggles cameras and instruments to search for signs that Mars has the compound assets to help microbial life. The wanderer is furnished with a X-band transmitter for correspondence and a radiation finder to assemble data for human missions later on. 

A lot greater than past wanderers Spirit or Opportunity, Curiosity weighs 5293 beats on Earth. 

In April and May of 2014 Curiosity took many part pictures with the camera toward the finish of its arm that were consolidated into this self-representation of the wanderer attempting to penetrate into a sandstone target called Windjana. This picture does exclude the wanderer's arm, yet it shows the gap it penetrated and the Mastcam at the top account 

Interest's arrival site was Gale Crater, with plans to consider the cavity's uncovered bedrock and its pinnacle, Mount Sharp. Since the arrival, Curiosity has discovered proof of a lakebed with new water that existed billions of years prior, and researched in excess of 600 Martian stone and soil focuses with its ChemCam laser. 

Interest is currently going toward "long haul science goals" on the slants of Mount Sharp, where it has experienced unsafe sharp stone landscape that the group has needed to explore cautiously. The wanderer has driven more than 13 miles over the most recent 7 years and made some noteworthy disclosures. Snap the picture to one side to see the subtleties of Curiosity's main six revelations, and follow this blog for ordinary crucial. 

NASA propelled the InSight Mars lander in May of 2018. It was the main crucial another planet to depart Earth from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. Understanding (Interior Exploration utilizing Seismic Investigations, Geodesy, and Heat Transport) is booked to arrive on Mars on November 26, 2018 to examine its outside, mantle, and center. 

NASA is additionally setting up the Mars 2020 wanderer, and is taking an interest in the European Space Agency's ExoMars missions.

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